Research and Development

In our labs, capable researchers carry out consistent research with the objective of creating new varieties and improve the characteristics of existing ones, always making sure that the balance of our ecosystem is respected.

Each day, dedicated studies, followed by on-field particle testing, enable us to achieve the final result and obtain varieties that can thrive in the many climate conditions on the earth, as well as meet the expectations of the most demanding customers.

With the help of state of the art lab equipment our researchers are capable of monitoring the whole life cycle of our cores, preventing contamination, and ensuring a final product without impurities and with high germination properties

Maintaining purity
Stage 1: Plant breeding
In accordance with the regulations set by the Ministry in relation to the activities for the preservation of the purity of leguminous and grass foraging species, Millennium Green carries out breeding programs for each species in its catalogue, starting from individual clones, up to the large plot of land to obtain the basic seed.
Stage 2: Individual clones grown in isolation under non-woven fabric hoods
Before flowering, individual clones meeting the morphological and physiological characteristics of the variety are covered with non-woven fabric hoods to prevent non-controlled pollination with pollen from other varieties of other species.
Stage 3: 10m2 plots
The seeds obtained from the individual clones are used the following year to sow in 10m2 plots, in which the morphological and physiological properties of each single variety are strictly monitored.
Stage 4: Large Plots
The seeds obtained from each 10m2 plot are used the following sowing season to multiply the product in 100m2 plots of land. Provided that they meet the requirements of the variety, the resulting seeds are picked to be used as the core from which the following year the preliminary basis of the variety will be obtained.

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Millennium Green Srl
Nucleo Industriale Piano Grande
64010 Torricella Sicura (TE)

Tel: +39 0861 - 554406
Mobile/WhatsApp: +39 3394210056

Request information

Send a request for information at the Millennium Green. One of our employees will manage your request and will answer questions by providing all necessary information .